Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Mad Max: Fury Road- The Splendid Angarad (INFJ)

(Taken from my main blog, Recognizable Fruits.)

Introverted Intuition- Angharad is an independent young woman who is able to remain steadfastly idealistic despite her captivity. She has one strong vision: get herself and her sisters out of their gilded cage as sex slaves and into the far-off Green Place, where they may live peacefully in freedom. She never wavers from this goal, but when things get difficult, she reminds herself, as a mantra, “We’re going to the Green Place… We’re going to the Green Place of many mothers.” Angharad often speaks symbolically. Before the Wives make their escape, she writes powerful,  rather poetic messages on the floor and wall (“WHO KILLED THE WORLD?”; “OUR BABIES WILL NOT BE WAR LORDS”; “WE ARE NOT THINGS”) of the vault the women had always been locked in, forcing Joe to see her refusal to be caged up as the pet of a brutal man for life, and later repeats the same “Then who killed the world?!” to Nux when he insists he and Joe’s men weren’t the ones who destroyed civilization.

Extroverted Feeling- Though she’d lived a very oppressed life, Angharad never once lashes out at anyone even when they cause her problems. She reminds kind to others and is very protective of the other Wives, who she acts as a role model to and representative for, and also Furiosa. She greatly values harmony and wishes to avoid conflict whenever possible. She calmly walks over to Max to give him the water hose as he wishes while he has a gun pointed at her (and later holds no grudges against him for injuring her, even smiling at the thumbs-up he gives her save of the War Rig). Part of the deal Angharad makes with Furiosa when the latter helps the Wives escape? “No unnecessary killing!” She stops Furiosa from killing Nux, asserting that “He’s just a kid at the end of his half-life!” Even though she wants him out of the picture, she has the empathy to know how sad the life of a War Boy is as well.

Introverted Thinking- Angharad has no proof the Green Place exists, but the idea itself is enough inspiration for her to try to escape. She knows the Wives will make it there. Angharad often shows emotion, but is also fairly calm and logical. She dislikes violence and conflict, but she realizes some fighting is necessary to protect themselves and to attain their goal. She protects Nux from being killed (out of defense) at the hands of Furiosa, but she also is able to detach herself from being too lenient with him, allowing him to be thrown out of the truck to keep him from taking the women back. 

Extroverted Sensing- Angharad is very quick-thinking in the midst of trouble and encourages others to take action as well, allowing herself even pregnant to be reckless at times. She immediately yanks Max’s chain to keep him off ofFuriosa and gets the other girls to help her. When Immortan Joe is about to shoot Furiosa, Angharad quickly opens to the door of the car and directly plants herself in Furiosa’s way to protect her.

Monday, January 11, 2016

A Song of Ice and Fire- Arya Stark (ESFP)

I'm typing about book!Arya though this can go for show!Arya too.

Extroverted Sensing (Se): Arya is very impulsive and has the bad habit of acting on emotion. She lives in the present and rarely stops to think of how her actions will later affect her and others, like making the butcher's boy practice sword fighting with her or disobeying her father to run off from the camp, which is sometimes a problem even after she learns to be more cautious while working for Lord Bolton. She greatly enjoys physical activities like water dancing, chasing cats, horseback riding, picking flowers, and exploring the wild woods, being easily bored sitting still at lessons with the Septa. She's very resourceful, thinks fast on her feet, and takes opportunities when they present themselves (why trade their valuable horses for an I.O.U when she could trade them for that boat she saw and get away!) and fights quickly before her enemies even know what hits them. She tends to judge people at face value (she dislikes Cersei just because she won't let a dangerous animal into the wheelhouse, for example). She isn't good at fitting into the status quo, nor does she find it interesting, and prefers playing with peasants and squires because they're different and easier to talk to.

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Arya is very emotional and feels intensely about many things. She cares very much what her father and half-brother Jon think of her, to the point that they're the only ones she really listens to. She feels bad for failing to measure up to the noble lady image she assumes her mother has of her, even thinking Catelyn wouldn't want her back when the Brotherhood Without Banners wants to ransom her. She holds herself to a certain set of morals nobody can sway her from, and takes it upon herself to avenge her family and punish people who wrong her, even people she just doesn't like. Some of her false names are related to those she loved (Old Nan, Catelyn, and Nymeria). She has trouble seeing why Sansa pretended to not remember what happened at the Trident and needs Ned to explain why. She doesn't forgive easily and holds grudges.

Extroverted Thinking (Te): Arya tries to have a game plan for anything that might happen. She easily takes on the role as "pack leader" and explains to Gendry, Hot Pie, and Lommy how it's gonna work, and expects them to follow her lead. She's stubborn and doesn't hesitate to tell people bluntly what she thinks of them, even when it's safer to hold her tongue. She isn't afraid to say when an idea sounds dumb and doesn't always have the patience for someone she sees as incompetent. Sometimes she'll state the obvious, if she can't find a better way around a problem.

Introverted Intuition (Ni): Arya is fixated on seeking revenge against the Lannisters, Freys, and Boltons for the downfall of her House, and lets nothing get in the way of this. Her mantras ("fear cuts deeper than swords"; the list of people she wants to kill, etc.) remind her of her goal.  She is determined to get home or at least find her brother Jon at the Wall. She loves the idealistic old songs of the warrior queen Nymeria, and naively hopes to be a warrior herself some day, not seeing the reality that women aren't typically allowed to achieve such traditionally masculine feats. However, for the most part she doesn't always have insight and tends to live in the present.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs- Snow White (ENFJ)

Extraverted Feeling (Fe): No doubt about it, Snow White is warm, caring, and a social butterfly. She enjoys engaging with others, even the forest animals, and having parties. When she first arrives at the cottage, she assumes it must be orphan children living there and sympathizes with them. She immediately warms up to the Dwarfs and takes over their little cottage like it's her own business as a mother figure. She's outspoken and honest. After being treated like a slave by her only family member, she still wishes to find love and hear "the nice things he'll say". In addition to that, her prayer to make Grumpy like her indicates she needs affirmation from others. She is respectful of others, always mindful of her manners, and likes to tease her friends a little bit to make them laugh, never taking offense herself when Grumpy is rude to her. Her worst flaw in the iconic apple scene is that she is polite to a fault: she can't just tell the "poor old lady" no and be rude! She knows not to let strangers in but her heart reaches out to someone she sees as suffering and has to help them.

Introverted Intuition (Ni): Snow White is very dreamy, deeply romantic, and just knows that her prince will find her while she's in hiding (and she's right!). She likes to daydream about her hopes and dreams while she works hard. She believes in fate and magic and after some initial hesitation, she takes the old peddler up on her offer of the magic wishing apple, with its promise to make her dreams come true. She's optimistic to a fault and trusts her instincts, like letting the old lady into the house, despite the dwarfs' warning and the animals' protests.

Extroverted Sensing (Se): Snow White can be a little impulsive. Like I said, her first action is to let the old lady into the house without really thinking, and then after some nervousness decides to take a chance and eat the apple to get what she wants. She likes to make herself look good and is embarrassed to have her crush see her in dirty rags. She likes to bake and thinks giving Grumpy a delicious pie might cheer him up. In fact, she convinces them to let them stay by trying to appeal to their sweet tooth!  She's observant and notices how small and dirty the place is and draws conclusions based on that. She's not very adventurous but isn't afraid of being forced out of her comfort zone.

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Snow White tends to make more emotionally-based decisions, but she is analytical, deducing who must live at the cottage and easily figures out which Dwarf Grumpy is, sarcastically (if sweetly) pointing it out.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Disney, MBTI Stereotypes, and Biases- A Pre-Note

I know, you all think she's an ESFJ (or for some reason ISFJ- where does anyone see "introvert" in her at ALL, I ask you? That girl is one outspoken, party-loving little boss) but after much studying I think while she is an obvious Fe-dom, there's less evidence for her being a Si-aux and I see more Ni than Ne.

I'd also like to take the time to talk about MBTI stereotypes. Why is she stereotyped as an ESFJ? Not usually because people think she uses Fe-Si-Ne-Ti the most, but because "she's so nice and motherly and girly and traditionally feminine and doesn't rebel against her abusive stepmom, CLEARLY she can't be anything else!" I've also noticed that Cinderella (more understandably) and Aurora (much less understandably) get typed as ISFJs a lot too for no better reason other than more or less what I mentioned above. It is always said like a lazy guess, like the typer in question couldn't be bothered to really analyze them and consider that they may not be ISFJs just because they are "nice" and "passive" (which Cinderella and Snow certainly aren't, and that kind of victim-blaming should appall any rational person, I should think. As for Aurora, what is she passive about? She wants more out of life but her current one is still pretty happy. You people just want her to rebel against nothing for the sake of rebelling? OK, rant done...).

xSFJs tend to get the most stereotyping and hate in the MBTI fandom. Coincidentally, those three princesses have gotten the most stereotyping and hate in the Disney fandom (and especially from critics who have never seen their movies since age three and just immediately dismiss them for failing to be as flawless as newer princesses). I think biased, immature people and especially those who don't understand MBTI have a tendency to purposely type their least favorite characters as their least favorite types. Sometimes it's partly because they do not really get MBTI types and how you're supposed to type based on the cognitive functions (Fe, Fi, Te, Ti, etc.) and NOT the preferences (E, I, T, F, etc.) and sometimes the people know perfectly well what MBTI is about and childishly just slap their most disliked type onto a character they can't stand for whatever reason. These people are usually the ones who are offended to discover they may share the same personality type as a character they dislike and cheer when they think they share it with a favorite character. (I'm not perfect; in the past I've not always been much better).

MBTI is, of course, just a tool used to help you understand yourself and other people better. It does NOT define you. You don't need to see MBTI as your whole identity. So why am I saying this? While it is indeed "just" a tool, it's one some people seem to take very seriously and use it for ego-stroking and putting down others. You always hear about self-proclaimed INTJs who can't stand their worrywart, dullard (apparently) ISFJ moms and INTPs who say how much they hate to be around ESxPs because they're way too smart and interesting and deep for those boring, intellectually obese partyheads who just get drunk and have sex all the time.

It IS only a tool. But don't use it negatively, or you're using it wrong and rendering it pointless. Learn from MBTI and others. Be honest about yourself and open-minded about others and remember that you can't cram people into little psychological boxes.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Disney's Frozen- Elsa (ISFJ)

Introverted Sensing (Si): Elsa is very sensible, but lets her life be ruled by past experiences. She lives in fear of hurting others with her powers, always remembering how she nearly killed her little sister by accident as they played with her snow magic. She continuously represses her powers as a means to keep others safe from herself, despite this proven to be an ineffective method several times in the movie. She never considers new possibilities or ways to solve her problems. This is because it's the way her parents taught her to handle her abilities, and she values their teachings. She is dutiful, dresses in a traditionally feminine fashion (even in two totally different styles of feminine) and follows queenly protocol well; even wears the same hairstyle as her queen mother's to her coronation. She is terrified of something going wrong with her coronation, but doesn't insist on just a private ceremony; she goes through the motions because it's what's expected of her. She prefers to do things the conventional way and expects others, like Anna, to do the same.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Elsa's biggest problem in the movie is trying to control her powers by suppressing her emotions. She is good at keeping a cool exterior, but is deep down a warm, sensitive person. She tries to live up to everything her parents were and taught her. She is hurt when Anna criticizes her (even though Elsa had just criticized Anna herself), even when she truly believes she is in one the right. She doesn't like to make a scene if she can help it. She is good at appearing more confident and charming than she really feels, as is appropriate for the future queen. While her "run away and hide" tendency is stronger, she still wants to be able to connect with Anna, and would, if she thought it were possible. As a child, she gives into Anna, agreeing to sneak out of bed in the middle of the night to play in the snow and breaking the rules to make her little sister happy. She is terrified of what people will think if they discover her powers. She doesn't blame Anna for the party incident and insists she doesn't have to apologize. She doesn't take any pleasure in fighting the guards, even though they're possibly trying to kill her.

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Elsa's other problem is that she worries too much. She analyzes new situations and thinks often about her own weaknesses. Her argument against Anna's engagement was well-reasoned, she has no more experience or evidence to back it up than Anna's argument does. She tries to be rational, but isn't the best planner; running away seems to be her best option once she accidentally reveals her ice magic, but after that, she has no game plan. Even before that, she never thinks about what to do with her future as a queen and public figure or even what to do for Anna, who is grown up now and wanting to marry a strange prince.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Elsa's Ne is very weak due to over-dependence of Si. She fails to see the bigger picture, overthinks people's motives, and tends to assume the worst will happen. It takes her Ne-dom sister to inspire and encourage her to try something different. She doesn't normally like to think of the future. However, she does have a creative side: once she is free, she immediately creates a new outfit in a more ornate style than she's used to, and throws herself into constructing a beautiful, Romantic-style ice castle for shelter, and feels truly liberated after doing so.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Disney's Frozen- Anna (ENFP)

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Anna is a big dreamer. Lacking experiencing with romantic relationships and knowing none other than her parents' happy marriage and fairy tales, she romanticizes romance. It is her idealization of what she yearns for that ultimately almost gets herself killed. Elsa is at least as sheltered but still knows not to jump into that true love stuff (though to be fair, Elsa is being more scared than sensible here). She is hugely optimistic and passionately pursues the idea of love after years of loneliness. She spontaneously comes up with new ideas and plans without much logic behind them- marry Hans to escape misery? Go track Elsa down in the middle of the night with wolves around? Bribe some strange, rude ice harvester into guiding her? Cut the rope and HOPE they land softly? Sure!

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Anna is very sweet but fiercely protectively of those she loves. She easily forms close bonds with her Kristoff (albeit after some bickering) and Olaf. She never forgets the closeness she used to have with Elsa, and holds onto their sisterly love for years, even when Elsa ignored her for seemingly no reason, hurting her badly. Her moral compass is strong, and she never sways from it. She later makes the choice to sacrifice herself for Elsa when she had a chance to save her own life.

Extroverted Thinking (Te): While Anna is not the most logical person, she is very determined, and anything she sets her mind to, she does, letting nothing stop her. She forms a plan to get Elsa back and recruits Kristoff, demanding they set the plan in motion immediately to save time. Knowing it was her own fault, she offers to pay for a new sled to replace Kristoff's old one (and goes through with it- also bestowing a new job upon him!).

Introverted Sensing (Si): Anna was unhappy growing up alone, but treasure memories of playing around the castle with her sister. She is bored being all by herself, but has the same ways to amuse herself: jumping on the couches, talking to portraits, consistently knocking on Elsa's door and trying to persuade her to come out, always using their special knocking when she does it. She values traditional romance, and always uses the good manners a princess's upbringing gave her.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Doctor Who MBTI Chart

Made this today and will be posting on tumblr too. Feel free to tell me if you find any off; I'm confident on all but the War Doctor and Grace because it's been awhile since I've seen their shows.

Just one thing- I do not get where everyone sees 10 as a Thinker at ALL. Emotional outbursts, led almost entirely in his adventures by his personal values? Not a low-Fe user.