Monday, January 4, 2016

Doctor Who MBTI Chart

Made this today and will be posting on tumblr too. Feel free to tell me if you find any off; I'm confident on all but the War Doctor and Grace because it's been awhile since I've seen their shows.

Just one thing- I do not get where everyone sees 10 as a Thinker at ALL. Emotional outbursts, led almost entirely in his adventures by his personal values? Not a low-Fe user.


  1. I don't agree with all of these, but ISFP Rose strikes me as a stroke of genuis. I've been sunsure about her typing for a while now I'm certain.

    I knew anything listing her as an ESFJ must be bS/ purely based on "caring" stereotypes, because there is NO way she's a SJ - She just packed up and left from one moment to the next, even dumping her boyfriend on the spot, to follow a promise of a better life, and accepted the weirdness remarkably fast/well, which was what made the Doctor classify her as companion material to begin with. With someone who just drops everything so fast she's unlikely to be anything other than an artisan or a diplomat.

    (Contrast Martha and Donna, some well-written complex guardian characters - Donna was at first freaked out by everything and needed a bit to "adapt" to this brave new world, but then proceeded to really shine with her practical approach, Martha initially meant to return for her exams and while traveling was enlightening to her she eventually wanted a slightly more stable (but still just as kickass) life especially after her family got targetted.) So a bit of a slower, less easy but also more cautious transistion.)

    Some people had Rose as an ESFP but that never felt right to me, I could see where people are comming from with typing her as an artisan, she does have that 'practical toughness' and not being very bound to her surroundings, but she didn't seem experience-driven enough to be an Se dom. A big defining moment for Rose is when she gives Jackie that speech about why she loved life with the Doctor and needs to go back and save him, and her main point, more so than the adventure and experience and living a life that's actully a life, she puts emphasis on moral ideals: Standing up against evil, not being passive, not being a sheep, doing what's right - She'd grown enamored with his life style before she came to love the man himself, she's ideal-driven here. ESFPs also have Fi reasonings there but the emphasis would have been different.

    So, I leaned more toward ENFP - but that didn't feel completely right either, she doesn't really talk like an intuitive, though I thought her uneducated/ poor background might explain that. Then again she doesn't show much large-scale thinking either, she would often pick up the detailed, practical things that the Doctor would miss, so yeah. Doesn't fully "click".

    ISFP solves it both elegantly, the value-driven ness comes from being Fi dom, it explains both her sensitive/idealistic and tough sides.
    It's just that everyone looks extroverted compared to me I guess, but when you look at it while she is very interpersonally oriented, she always seemed to have "few close friends" instead of numerous ones, we learn of Mickey, this Shareen person, and later, Jack, but that's roughly it.
    It's actually not uncommon for some ISFPs (at least what socionics would call the "ESI-Se subtype") to be relatively active/social for introverts.

  2. I really would like to find a list classifying all the Doctors (14 including the War Doctor,) but it doesn't seem like there are many whovians who are into typology/personality studies, and I find it odd.
