Friday, January 8, 2016

Disney's Frozen- Elsa (ISFJ)

Introverted Sensing (Si): Elsa is very sensible, but lets her life be ruled by past experiences. She lives in fear of hurting others with her powers, always remembering how she nearly killed her little sister by accident as they played with her snow magic. She continuously represses her powers as a means to keep others safe from herself, despite this proven to be an ineffective method several times in the movie. She never considers new possibilities or ways to solve her problems. This is because it's the way her parents taught her to handle her abilities, and she values their teachings. She is dutiful, dresses in a traditionally feminine fashion (even in two totally different styles of feminine) and follows queenly protocol well; even wears the same hairstyle as her queen mother's to her coronation. She is terrified of something going wrong with her coronation, but doesn't insist on just a private ceremony; she goes through the motions because it's what's expected of her. She prefers to do things the conventional way and expects others, like Anna, to do the same.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Elsa's biggest problem in the movie is trying to control her powers by suppressing her emotions. She is good at keeping a cool exterior, but is deep down a warm, sensitive person. She tries to live up to everything her parents were and taught her. She is hurt when Anna criticizes her (even though Elsa had just criticized Anna herself), even when she truly believes she is in one the right. She doesn't like to make a scene if she can help it. She is good at appearing more confident and charming than she really feels, as is appropriate for the future queen. While her "run away and hide" tendency is stronger, she still wants to be able to connect with Anna, and would, if she thought it were possible. As a child, she gives into Anna, agreeing to sneak out of bed in the middle of the night to play in the snow and breaking the rules to make her little sister happy. She is terrified of what people will think if they discover her powers. She doesn't blame Anna for the party incident and insists she doesn't have to apologize. She doesn't take any pleasure in fighting the guards, even though they're possibly trying to kill her.

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Elsa's other problem is that she worries too much. She analyzes new situations and thinks often about her own weaknesses. Her argument against Anna's engagement was well-reasoned, she has no more experience or evidence to back it up than Anna's argument does. She tries to be rational, but isn't the best planner; running away seems to be her best option once she accidentally reveals her ice magic, but after that, she has no game plan. Even before that, she never thinks about what to do with her future as a queen and public figure or even what to do for Anna, who is grown up now and wanting to marry a strange prince.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): Elsa's Ne is very weak due to over-dependence of Si. She fails to see the bigger picture, overthinks people's motives, and tends to assume the worst will happen. It takes her Ne-dom sister to inspire and encourage her to try something different. She doesn't normally like to think of the future. However, she does have a creative side: once she is free, she immediately creates a new outfit in a more ornate style than she's used to, and throws herself into constructing a beautiful, Romantic-style ice castle for shelter, and feels truly liberated after doing so.

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