Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Over the Garden Wall: The Beast (INFJ)

Introverted Intuition (Ni)- The Beast’s long-term focus lies with keeping the lantern lit. He obsessively lets nothing get in the way of his means of staying alive. He is constantly manipulating others to ensure it stays lit, and has found a way to do so without ever letting his weakness become known (except when Wirt later figures it out himself). He intuitively reads others’ feelings and desires quite well, such as Wirt’s and Woodsman’s love for their family members, and exploits that to further his agenda, and he tends to correctly anticipate where the boys are heading everywhere in the Unknown.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe)- The Beast masterfully manipulates others by playing on their emotions. He gets the Woodsman to chop wood for the lantern for such a long time persistently because he constantly plays on his fears of the fate of his “daughter’s” soul, and successfully guilts him too- doesn’t he care about his daughter? He’s courteous and affable with all he meets, insisting he’s trying to help. When Greg frustrates him, he stays patient and calm with him, even compliments his diligence. But when his temper does show, it’s frightening to behold. If the theory of the Beast being behind Cloud City and the Queen of the clouds is true, it shows that he knows exactly how to give people what they want.

Introverted Thinking (Ti)- The Beast has no qualms about hurting anyone, even an innocent child like Greg, to achieve his goal. He politely questions people, is good at analyzing their weaknesses, and comes up with seemingly impossible riddles for Greg to solve to exhaust him. He’s furious when Wirt is able to out-think him and spots the Beast’s weakness.

Extroverted Sensing (Se)- The Beast sees opportunities to help himself, and takes them (first tricking the Woodsman into carrying the lantern, then getting Greg to go with him, and later offering a deal to Wirt). However, he is mostly passive and reliant on others to carry out his work, and his plan would have almost worked had it not been for Wirt’s change of heart, which the Beast was not prepared for and couldn’t handle.

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